Currently available features are listed in their section below.
If you have a request from among the unavailable video files, please let me know at and I'll try to make them available if there is enough demand for it.
The source is copyright of Takara and any others with rights to them. The Japanese episodes haven't been released to most of the world, so I'm putting them up for those curious about the Japanese branch of the Transformers for information and entertainment.
All the clips are in AVI format. They are from the original Japanese, with no subtitle or dubbing. The pages also have descriptions of the events and background. At the top of each clip's entry is a footage of the entire clip from my video editor. The actual clip size is larger than the footage and the enlargement shown when you click on it.
If you see the video but don't hear the sound instead, it means you need to download and install a later version of Microsoft's Windows Media Player which supports MPEG 2.0 Layer-3. It can be found at
NEW CODEC! If a DivX codec is needed, follow the instructions and the codec found here. The codec package will also allow you to hear the MPEG 2.0 Layer-3 encoded sound.