Below will be the clips' footage and descriptions, which aren't finished yet...
"Terror Under the Big City" (Part 1 of 4)
The current Destron (Decepticon) Breastforce team of four enters
New York's subway system to procure energy, stirring up mayhem in the process.
Technical details:
The source is a second-generation videotape, though of a much better quality than the Masterforce clips. The full-screen view looks fair at 1280X1024 resolution on my monitor, helped by the sharpen filter I applied to the video.
Description of the events in the video:
After a commercial break sequence with the super-deformed Star Saber is the preview for the episode. Killbison lifts up a cover to peek around the city surface around him, apparently not noticing the people on the cover. Jargua breaks upwards into a subway tunnel, his voice not muted as usual for Victory previews as he crawls down it. Laster fights Drillhorn, who transforms to robot mode and sends off his rhino partner to attack him. It turns over Laster's car form, which transforms. Destron (Decepticon) commander Deszaras fires off a wing segment in his dragon mode, which Star Saber later throws back at him. Deszaras then transforms and launches his roaring winged tiger, which slams into the Cybertron commander. The title then appears on a blue background with Deszaras.
Starting out black, the view moves down into a body of blue water and below, continuing down to where the Destron ship Thunder Arrow is moving. The view then shifts inside to Deszaras' face, whose eyes glow red, as Leozack makes his report before him on the throne. Three other Breastforce members, Killbison, Jargua, and Drillhorn, stand behind Leozack. Deszaras apparently doesn't like Leozack's report.
As Leozack and his three fellows move down a corridor, their discussion continues among themselves. Leozack gets a little hyperactive at one point. :)
The view changes to a large human city. First peeking around a building to check for any passers-by, Leozack then gives the go-ahead to proceed. Drillhorn transforms and drills a tunnel into the ground in the alley. Killbison, Jargua, and Leozack follow him in.
A symbol scene change later, the view shifts to the Cybertron base (Countdown), in which the three Brainmaster car Cybertrons and Star Saber are monitoring for Destron activity across Earth. Looking at a map of North and South America, Star Saber gives the order to move the base, which Blacker acknowledges.
Back at the city some humans are surprised when the cargo elevator cover they're on suddenly lifts them up. Killbison holds it there as he looks around at the city surface before lowering it back down. Down in the subway tunnels Jargua is measuring energy levels and examining a wire when a north-bound train #1171175 approaches. Seeing Jargua blocking the way ahead, the conductor suddenly slams on the brakes, sending passengers aboard falling forward. Jargua leaps up crashing into the next upper subway level. That scares people away, which suits him just fine as he crawls down this new level. In another section of the subway system, a conductor notices Drillhorn drilling and brakes quickly, sending passengers forward. Drillhorn pulls away, but the train crashes into the rocks and debris dug up. A symbol scene change ends this clip.
"Terror Under the Big City" (Part 2 of 4)
Alerted to the Destrons' latest scheme, the Cybertrons head out to New York,
splitting up to find them and aid the humans.
Technical details:
The source is a second-generation videotape, though of a much better quality than the Masterforce clips. The full-screen view looks fair at 1280X1024 resolution on my monitor, helped by the sharpen filter I applied to the video.
Description of the events in the video:
Outside the base the human boy and Cybertron companion Jan is waving from above at the Micromaster Rescue Patrol. Fire (Red Hot) and Pibo (Fixit) transform and move in closer. Extending his fire ladder, Fire then lowers Jan down to Holi (Stakeout), who picks up the boy and puts him inside Pibo the ambulance.
Just then the sirens blare. What, the Destrons? asks Jan, getting out of Pibo. Indeed it is a Destron alert, pinpointed at New York City on a map of North America. At Laster's question about what the Destrons are up to, Star Saber answers that the Destrons are in those tunnels for energy. Transforming, Star Saber flies off toward the city, with the three Brainmaster car Cybertrons and the Rescue Patrol following in Galaxy Shuttle. Jan convinces Holi to let him tag along.
A symbol scene switch later Leozack is down in a tunnel. Pulling apart an electrical cable, he apparently gets bored. Drawing his gun, he fires off into one end of the tunnel, causing an explosion that reaches the surface. Laughing, he does the same at the other end. Meanwhile Drillhorn drills through into another tunnel and Jargua fires his own gun, generating mayhem.
Flying in, Star Saber notices the destruction on the surface. Not at all pleased with this, he separates from his booster and transforms ("Transform! Brain set!"), leaving his booster unchanged as it lands behind him. Galaxy Shuttle lands shortly after, discharging its crew. The Rescue Patrol will tend to the destruction, while Star Saber and the other Brainmasters will find and deal with the Destrons. Noticing Jan trying to sneak quietly into Holi, Saber calls out his name. "Hai! (Yes!)" the boy replies. The commander gives his consent with a bit of reluctance, telling him to be careful. With that the Rescue Patrol rolls out.
After a scene change Fire and Holi with Jan inside end up at a burning subway station. (I couldn't read exactly what the names are on the stores or the station. ^_^;) Fire puts out the fire and drives down the stairs into the station.
The scene switches to Pibo arriving, sirens wailing, at a smoking subway station. Boater (Seawatch) loads some injured people into Pibo, who drives them to a nearby hospital and returns to carry some more.
Flying above the city again, Star Saber's scanners point him to a major subway and train switching network on the surface. Separating from his booster and transforming, Saber walks down one tunnel, labeled No. 4, followed by his hovering jet booster.
Finding a 30000-volt, 1500(?)-watt generator, Drillhorn shouts in glee. Laster runs in and blocks his path, though. After some words Drillhorn activates his drill and breaks a column near Laster, sending debris falling onto him.
A super-deformed Deszaras ends this clip before commercials.
"Terror Under the Big City" (Part 3 of 4)
Brainmasters versus Breastforce! Star Saber enters into battle
against Deszaras and his two Breastforce animal partners.
Technical details:
The source is a second-generation videotape, though of a much better quality than the Masterforce clips. The full-screen view looks fair at 1280X1024 resolution on my monitor, helped by the sharpen filter I applied to the video.
Description of the events in the video:
After a return from commercials with a Dinoforce appearance, the fight between Drillhorn and Laster continues. Drillhorn retraces his steps through the rubble. Laster breaks free and transforms into his car mode, firing its cannons. Hit, the retreating drill tank overturns and transforms. "Breast attack!" Drillhorn's rhino leaps off transforming from his chest, overturning the car. Laster transforms, draws his sword, but misses the rhino, which slams into him and returns to its master. Drillhorn proudly boasts about the Breastforce technology, but Laster is undeterred.
A scene switch later Saber continues walking down a pathway, followed by his hovering jet booster. In one looms the Destron dragon Deszaras. "Deszaras!" "Star Saber!" Not backing down, Deszaras fires a segment from his left dragon wing which misses Saber and slices into a wall. The missing wing segment filled in by a new one, Deszaras rushes off with Saber and his booster in pursuit.
Entering a large chamber, Deszaras fires off another segment from the same wing. Catching the segment, Saber throws it at another one from Deszaras' right wing to deflect it. The missing segment materializing on his right wing, Deszaras transforms. His chest glowing, Saber tries to use his special power to combine with his booster, but it fails as Deszaras explains why. Apparently not that concerned with Saber, Deszaras moves off to begin gathering energy. Saber picks up a wing segment lying around and leaps forward with it. Turning around, Deszaras calls out, "Breast attack!" The outer chest plate flies off, transforming into a roaring winged tiger and broadsiding Saber. The Cybertron throws the wing segment spinning into the tiger. Calling out again, Deszaras sends forth another chest plate, a red eagle, which slams into him as the tiger attacks from behind. Laughing, the Destron czar leaves behind the distracted Saber, lowering an energy collector which begins absorbing energy from the generators around the chamber. He chuckles before the symbol scene change occurs.
"Terror Under the Big City" (Part 4 of 4)
Pierced by Star Saber's sword in his bare chest but sealed by his two
Breastforce animal partners, Deszaras orders a retreat with the little
energy they have collected.
Technical details:
The source is a second-generation videotape, though of a much better quality than the Masterforce clips. The full-screen view looks fair at 1280X1024 resolution on my monitor, helped by the sharpen filter I applied to the video.
Description of the events in the video:
A generator is the target of Killbison, rolling up in his tank mode. Sneaking up behind him is Blacker, who leaps onto him and yanks up on the tank turret. A turn of the turret slams Blacker into the nearby wall, the barrels pointing at him, but Blacker grabs them and curls them upwards. Backing away, Killbison seethes but soon finds himself lassoed at the twisted upturned barrels by the Cybertron, who transforms and rolls off with an unwilling Killbison in toll. Shaking off the rope, the Destron transforms and sends off his bull partner in a "Breast attack!" to distract Blacker as he runs off toward the generator, not noticing the Brainmaster slamming his fists into the leaping bull's back.
"Transform!" Leozack arrives in robot mode. Leaving Killbison, his tank barrels still curved, to gather the energy into a collector, Leozack runs off with his pike to fight Blacker. Blocking a blast from Blacker's shield guns, Leozack shouts "Breast attack!" to detach his chest plate into a winged lion while Killbison's bull occupies the Cybertron. Seeing Leozack approaching with his pike, Blacker draws out his sword to block it, send him away, and shake off and kick away the winged lion.
Meanwhile the Rescue Patrol continue their work. Fire is hosing down a store. Pibo is taking on passengers. A collapsing subway stairway separates a girl from her mother below. Noticing this, Pibo alerts Holi over the radio.
Elsewhere Saber's sword materializes into view as the Victory theme begins playing. Striking back Deszaras' eagle and tiger, Saber approaches the large Destron commander himself, who brings up his spiked ball on a chain and throws it. It misses Saber, who leaps forward out of the way with his sword aimed at Deszaras' bare chest. Though blocked by the Destron's shield, Saber brings his sword forward again. This time the tiger leaps in and pushes his arm away. Jumping backward to avoid a hit from the spiked ball, he springs forth again, but his arm is diverted by the eagle. Noting their protectiveness of their master, Saber repels their combined attack. Deszaras walks over to the cackling energy collector, which is about halfway full. Using the same tactic against him, Saber calls on his jet booster to slam into Deszaras, and pierces him in the bare chest with the thrown sword while he is preoccupied. In pain, Deszaras pulls out the sword, holding it as his two beasts transform back into chest plates and seal the cackling wound. The jet booster floats down into view behind Saber. Frustrated, the Destron throws Saber's sword back at him and runs off with the collected energy.
While Killbison continues collecting energy, Blacker and Leozack battle on, exchanging sword and pike strikes. Jargua runs up, saying Deszaras has ordered a retreat. Apparently not happy with that, Leozack ends the fight and follows the other two out with the energy they have gathered, with Blacker watching them go.
Holi moves some rocks out of the way, allowing Fire to roll up in his fire engine mode. Raising the ladder with the mother on it, Fire extends it toward the girl waiting next to Jan, who smiles at the reunion.
Standing outside the East 7th Street subway station with the Rescue Patrol, missing only Pibo, Saber receives news from the approaching Blacker and the other two Brainmasters that the Destrons are gone. The commander is still concerned about all the damage the Breastforce did to the city in their efforts for energy. In spite of that, latecomer Pibo's welcome report on the affected civilians encourages Saber to speak positively for the future, a sentiment shared by the others.
After a commercial break sequence with Jan and Holi is the next episode's preview. It is for one of Victory's review episodes. This next episode summarizes the conflict between the two faction leaders. The preview begins with Star Saber transforming directly from superjet to super robot mode, followed by the Multiforce vehicles joining together to form Landcross. A clip appears from the first episode of Deszaras throwing his chained spiked ball and having the chains shattered by Star Saber's sword, and then Star Saber dodging Deszaras' overhead sword strike and blocking the counterstrike. As electricity sparks around the two pushing their swords together on the Moon, the announced title comes up, a struggle between two large giants.